Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

News and Features

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edinburgh castle

Edinburgh Castle voted top UK tourist attraction

Edinburgh Castle has been voted the leading UK attraction for the second consecutive year.

Date added: 04 Nov 2012
Elliestoun Sword

Ceremonial Sword and Scabbard Owned by the Sempills of Elliestoun

This large bearing sword, with its leather scabbard, belonged to the Sempills of Elliestoun. It was used for ceremonial purposes only. The sword is two and a half metres long.

Date added: 29 Oct 2012
Craigietocher Tower

The Building of Craigietocher Tower - Chapter 3

Did you know that we have our very own 'Grand Designs' project being built by one of our members? Phill Plevey is currently building his own Scottish Castle in the old style. Read about Scotland's latest castle.

Date added: 29 Oct 2012
Craigietocher Tower

The Building of Craigietocher Tower - Chapter 2

Chapter 2 in the building of a new castle, Craigietocher Tower, in the old Scottish Tower House style by SCA member Phill Plevey. Time frame: 2008 to 2011

Date added: 20 Oct 2012
Ochiltree Castle

Ground Source Heating - A Personal View

We had been talking about ways of reducing our heating bills and improving our 'green' credentials when two factors coincided in 2008 to help us make a decision to put in ground source heating.

Date added: 20 Oct 2012
Craigietocher Tower

The Building of Craigietocher Tower - Chapter 1

I started looking for a small Scottish Tower or L Plan Castle to restore in 1992 and although there are lots within a 50 to 75 mile radius of Aberdeen. I found I could not purchase one for a reasonable price.

Date added: 19 Oct 2012

Medieval Lavers in Scottish Tower Houses

When touring Clackmannanshire castles with the SCA in April 2010, I noted the presence of a carved stone basin in each of the halls of Clackmannan tower and Sauchie castle. Both drained out through the wall.

Date added: 12 Oct 2012
John Clerk

John Clerk of Eldin (1728 - 1812) Exhibition

John Clerk of Eldin is well known to art historians of 18th century British art, and he is often included in exhibitions and publications relating to the work of other 18th century figures.

Date added: 06 Oct 2012
Cruggleton Castle

Cruggleton Castle - Brian McGarrigle

The ruins of the once grand Cruggleton Castle are located high on a rocky promontory overlooking the Irish Sea not far from Whithorn in Wigtownshire.

Date added: 03 Oct 2012
Little Cumbrae Castle

The Attack on Wee Cumbrae Castle 1599

Little Cumbrae Castle stands on an island in the Firth of Clyde opposite the Ayrshire seaside town of Largs. It can be reached by boat from the latter and provides an excellent day's excursion.

Date added: 26 Sep 2012
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