Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

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Tower Houses in the Scottish Borders.

How many Tower Houses were there in the Scottish Borders? According to SCA member Alastair Maxwell-Irving we can never know for certain. In 'The Castle Studies Group' Journal of December 2011 he sets out his case.

Date added: 09 Jan 2012

Bothwell Castle Donjon

John Goodhall (The English Castle 2011) revisits the question of just what was the inspiration for the donjon at Bothwell.

Date added: 09 Jan 2012

Tibbers Castle (Dumfries)

John Goodhall in his excellent new book 'The English Castle' (2011) asks the question 'Why did Edward I not build castles in Scotland as in Wales'?

Date added: 09 Jan 2012
Tertowie Blaze

Tertowie House destroyed by fire

A fire has ripped through 16th century Tertowie House gutting the interior and caving in the roof.

Date added: 22 Dec 2011
Castlemilk Castle Fireplace

The fireplace of Castlemilk House

The fireplace of Castlemilk House is once again on public view.

Date added: 06 Dec 2011
james brown

Baltersan Points The Way

SCA member James Brown of Baltersan Castle is behind the creation of a new long distance path 'The Pilgrim's Way' which will link Paisley Abbey with Whithorn Priory.

Date added: 05 Dec 2011
Archibald the Grim

Heraldic Arms of Archibald The Grim

As is well known Threave Castle, Kirkcudbright was built by Archibald Douglas commonly known as 'The Grim'. Recent work has identified his coat of arms

Date added: 02 Dec 2011

New Dating Sequence for Dunstaffnage Castle

A recent report has altered the accepted dating for Dunstaffnage Castle, Argyll

Date added: 02 Dec 2011
Linlithgow Palace sm

Linlithgow Palace is Newgate Prison

Current fans of 'Garrow's Law' on TV will no doubt have noticed that Linlithgow Palace is doubling as Newgate Prison, London in the current series. Another Scottish location is that of Pollok House in Glasgow.

Date added: 29 Nov 2011
Caisteal na Nighinn Ruaidhe

Caisteal na Nighinn Ruaidhe - (The Castle of the Red Haired Maiden)

Lochavich is a small glen south of Oban, between the sea at Kilmelford and the Campbell power base of Loch Awe. On the small island of Innis Luina stand the ruins of Caisteal na Nighinn Ruaidhe.

Date added: 07 Jan 2011
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