Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Cash award for Dean Castle

Historic Scotland have awarded £500,000 to Dean Castle, Kilmarnock for essential repairs as part of £1.7m of restoration funding across Scotland.

Dean Castle

Dean Castle has a world-renowned collection of armour and musical instruments

The money will be used to make the building watertight and to replace fallen masonry. The castle, with its world-renowned collection of armour and musical instruments, is set in 200 acres of country park.

Dean Castle Past

Dean Castle pictured at the turn of the last century

In receipt of £56,344 is Lamer Island Battery in Dunbar, pictured below. Built to defend the harbour from John Paul Jones it never saw action and was converted into a hospital for infectious diseases. This burned down when a bonfire was lit in honour of King Edward VIII.

Lamer Island Battery

Lamer Island Battery was built in 1781 to protect Dunbar Harbour

Other recipients are:

  • Moat Brae House, Dumfries: £300,000
  • Cambo Stables, Fife: £280.000
  • Brugh Lodge, Shetland: £460,000
  • Kirkhaven Hall, Glasgow: £112,000

    Article by SCA member Brian McGarrigle

Added: 03 Mar 2015 Updated: 04 Mar 2015
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