SCA is delighted to announce that Richard Oram has accepted the presidency of the Scottish Castles Association, a worthy successor to our late president, Charles McKean. Professor Richard D. Oram, F.S.A, is Professor of Medieval and Environmental History at the University of Stirling. He was a member of the Historic Environment Advisory Council for Scotland, providing advice to Scottish Ministers on aspects of policy and public engagement in the sector until its abolition in 2011. He is also a former director of the Centre for Environmental History and Policy at the University of Stirling.
Richard received his undergraduate training at the University of St. Andrews, where he also carried out his doctoral research, on medieval Galloway. In 2000 he published The Lordship of Galloway and has since written a number of Scottish history books. One of his current research interests is lordship and landscape in medieval Britain and Ireland, with particular emphasis on 'castle landscapes' and hunting.
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