Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Tertowie House destroyed by fire

Tertowie Mansion Fire

Tertowie Mansion, during and after the fire. What now?

A fire has ripped through 16th century Tertowie House gutting the interior and caving in the roof. At the height of the blaze 40 firefighters were in attendance. The cause of the fire is unknown but the property has been empty for 10 years having failed to find a buyer. An investigation is underway.

Tertowie Mansion

Tertowie Mansion

The present baronial style house dates mainly from 1867 but incorporates an earlier tower house. It housed the Grampian Regional Council crisis centre together with a nuclear bunker to provide a safe haven for councilors and officials in times of emergency - pity that they did not see one coming...

Added: 22 Dec 2011 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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