Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Ardmillan Castle (Ayr) Past & Lost

Adrmillan Castle

Adrmillan Castle was demolished in 1990

Ardmillan Castle was a notable landmark on a hill overlooking the Irish Sea 3 miles south of the harbour town of Girvan.

It was one of those castles which looked different depending upon where one viewed it from. The earliest building was a strong 16th century tower house with wall walk borne upon continuous corbelling. There is mention of a barmkin and ditch.

In the 18th century a classical pedimented front was erected which did nothing for the appearance of the old tower but at least provided up-to-date accommodation for the family.

Like so many of our old mansions it was to be destroyed by fire. Its turn came in 1973 when it was engulfed in flames and abandoned although the old tower had stood up well to the fire.

In 1977 the estate was purchased and notice posted for the removal of the ruins.

The long delayed blow fell in 1990. Ardmillan was demolished and the grounds converted into a holiday and caravan camp.

Added: 05 Jan 2014 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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