Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Ardvreck Castle (Sutherland) Past & Present

Ardvreck Castle

An early photo of Ardvreck Castle circa 1900

Ardvreck Castle is one of the most remote castles in Scotland and forms an iconic image in a treeless landscape. It is infamous through the treachery of its owner in 1650 who, when the Marquis of Montrose sought sanctuary, handed him over for his execution. His reward? Some sacks of oatmeal!

Ardvreck Castle

Ardvreck circa 1900 and today with SCA member Annick McGarrigle for scale!

It is situated on the neck of a long peninsula in Loch Assynt once cut off from the land by a ditch. It is an oblong late 16th century tower house with a round tower at one corner corbelled to the square. The ground floor is vaulted and is furnished with undressed gun slits.

One complete side had tumbled and the castle was in a hopeless state of ruin until consolidated in recent years. 

Added: 12 Mar 2014 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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