Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Braemar Castle (Aberdeen) Past & Present

Braemar Castle 1904

Braemar Castle - as it appeared in 1904

Braemar Castle - Aberdeenshire

Braemar Castle - now cared for by the local community

Braemar Castle stands in the town of that name on Royal Deeside. It is a 5-storied L-plan tower house with a circular tower in the re-entrant. Built in 1628, burned down 1689 and rebuilt 1748 as a government garrison after the 45 Rebellion. It is due the latter event that we owe the incongruous battlemented finish and the star shaped curtain wall.

Braemar had become a little 'shabby' in recent years but a Historic Scotland grant and a progressive local community would seem to ensure it a bright future.

Added: 27 Sep 2012 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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