Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Law Castle (West Kilbride) - Past and Present

Law, long a roofless ruin, was restored in recent years to create a property available for let, thus securing its future.

Law past
Law Castle circa. 1900

Dated 1462 its thick walls rise from a vaulted basement through four storeys to a parapet carried on continuous corbelling of a type typical of the west of Scotland.

The entrance is at ground floor level and protected by gunloops of a later date. Above is a panel which would have held the arms of Thomas Boyd, later Earl of Arran. The windows have been barred.

Law present
Law Castle today - restored and with a bright future

The building has been re-harled much to its advantage. You can read more about the history of Law Castle by visiting its website - click here .

Article by SCA member Brian McGarrigle.

Added: 19 Nov 2015 Updated: 19 Nov 2015
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