Scottish Castles Association

Preserving the Past for the Future

Ravenstone Castle (Wigtown) Past & Present

Ravenstone Castle Wigtown

Ravenstone Castle undergoing restoration. Taken SCA visit April 2013

Ravenstone Castle Wigtown

Ravenstone as it appeared around 1904

Situated in the Machars, Ravenstone is late 16th century L-plan tower house extended in the 17th, again in 18th with a full height, double bowed front and finally with large Victorian wing.

During the war Ravenstone was occupied by the army who left it in a poor state. Indeed this was so bad that it was unroofed in the 1950s and left derelict.

In the 1990s some work was done but the building remained a shell until taken over by the present owners. The latter have embarked upon an extensive and sympathetic restoration of the old tower house which is now, once more, roofed and floored.

Ravenstone provides an excellent example of a ruin brought back into use as a home.

Ravenstone Castle Wigtown past

Early view with tower house on extreme left followed by the 18th C bow front and the Victorian block

Ravenstone Castle Wigtown present

Ravenstone Castle today with restored tower house and the still ruinous additions

Added: 02 May 2013 Updated: 08 Dec 2014
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